We don’t offer cash advances |||||| We don’t sign you to crippling 360 contracts |||||| We don’t offer traditional record label marketing and promotion |||||| We don’t tie you to multi-album deals and take the majority of your royalties, leaving you with little or no money |||||| We don’t waste your time (or ours) by sitting on your recordings and not releasing the music, effectively stalling your career before it gets started |||||| We don’t take a penny from your live performance ticket sales, merch or publishing income |||||| We don’t and Won’t apologize for playing our part in The New Music Revolution, and neither should you |||||| And finally, we don’t hold you back in any way, shape or form |||||| The only commitment you have to us, is for the master recordings we partner with you on |||||| You remain free to take your career wherever you wish, with whomever you wish, and with whatever music you wish |||||| The End.