Don Pedigo


Pedigo describes his songwriting as, "Real life. Everything is directly or indirectly a personal experience. I may embellish it, but everything is connected to me.” Upon listening, your ear may beg you to remember some iconic musicians such as Graham Parsons or Tom Petty, but in Pedigo’s uniquely individual style that can’t be replicated, his songwriting delivers something modern and refreshing to the listener.

Don Pedigo has been cited as being a, “Spirit questing, true Roots-Rock artist.”, and coming after his recent excursions out West to New Mexico, he has found an even deeper meaning pushing him to write songs that will connect with people right where they are.  "I want to touch the ground, meet the people, feel the rhythm, and write it down.”, says Pedigo. Because of this mantra he holds, Don resonates with listeners because his experience is first-hand and his lyrics show an authentic understanding of everyman's share of troubles and triumphs.

“Wonderful voice, meaningful music. Hasn’t forgotten his roots.”- Vivian White

“Beautiful voice, beautiful soul!”- Jackie Crane