King Corduroy


Start with old-school Americana/Soul/Blues/Country melodies, add some immaculate storytelling, then simmer in the consciousness of a guy who possesses a sense of mysticism cultivated by a lifetime’s worth of experiences and characters, and what you get is the bigger-than-life music of King Corduroy. 

Described as “The Cosmic Troubadour of Southern Soul”, King Corduroy hails originally from Montgomery, Alabama. He’s lived in some of the most colorful cities in the US, including Austin and Los Angeles, and he managed to make his way down to Baja, Mexico for a bit, too. These travels and the people he’s encountered along the way are mostly the content of his catalogue, “It’s all about storytelling. I go around, I see stuff, and then I report it by telling these stories. My songs are a collection of true stories.”

And fascinating stories they are- exactly the sort of fuel for an artist who already has a gift for thinking in terms of the bigger picture. King Corduroy cultivates a connection with the cosmos, and credits that connection with some of his success, proclaiming “I 100% believe you can manifest things.” 

What King Corduroy has managed to manifest is a unique style, the perspective of a true cosmic troubadour, and a collection of songs and albums that’ll keep you wanting more. 

“A little Dr. John, a little Leon Russell and a lot of cosmic country cool.” – NPR Music

“Soulful… like a young Leon Russell.” – Billboard

“Bluesy, genre-melding tune.” –The Boot

“A mantra for purposeful living — and working.” – Wide Open Country

“A modern songwriter inspired by the swampy grit, juke-joint swagger, and countrified twang of old-school American roots music.” – Glide Magazine.

Listen to King’s version of McCartney’sHeart Of The Country’ from his eP debut and try not to smile as much as we do…

If that’s not doesn’t do it for ya, then ‘Cosmic Blues’ surely will!