Bee Taylor


Bee Taylor says she has one rule when it comes to writing her music: no rules.

It’s this philosophy that produces such fascinating, complicated melodies which often, quite refreshingly, defy a specific genre.

Melodies that reflect Soul, Blues, Ska, Americana, and lots of rock n’roll wind themselves around her gorgeously honest lyrics. 

Unapologetically herself, Bee has managed to produce fabulous and electrifying music on her own terms. All this backed by the influences of the likes of Amy Winehouse, Elle King, old school country melodies, and a mean harmonica, and you’ve got yourself one fantastically memorable musical experience!

Bee absolutely rocked Subphonic Studios to it’s core when she recently came in for a live session with her full band.

Her ‘Subphonic Session’ eP will be available soon to Stream and Download.